Sunday 15 December 2013

Here goes.....

A little pre-cursor.

I've written, then deleted, then re written this many times now.  Various trains of thought, is this a bit too private.  Will anyone actually care? Am I making a twit out of myself etc etc......

I decided to bite the bullet, who knows where this may lead right?

So, if you are suffering with spots/acne/general feelings of scuzzyness (is that a word?) then maybe I can add a little hope into your life along with some tips, do's and dont's and perhaps a few random things along the way?

Just to be clear I am not a dermatologist, doctor, beauty specialist and have no qualifications.  I am not a skin expert but have developed an obsession with all things skin based from cleanser to concealer.  My job here is to take you through my experiences, and give you my opinion about what I like to use on my skin nothing more, take from it what you will!

Who am I?

35, fed up and full of acne which has been laughing in my ear for the last 8 years.  Full of determination, I demanded my Doctor finally refer me to the Dermatologist after spending who know how much on useless prescriptions and a small mortgage on lotions and potions, which I now finally accept are not going to make this go away no matter how hopeful I felt at the till when purchasing!

Friday 13th December (really, REALLY lucky for me) I received my first longed-for prescription for Accutane.  Merry Christmas me!

Please understand, I have no wish to glamorise this medication in any way, but I get how desperate people are for the chance to get rid of this confidence crushing affliction.  Yes, it is an illness...we're not dirty people.

Why would you be interested?

Well, if you're anything like I was you've tried so many brands, different creams, home brews (erm i'd skip this step if i'm honest and leave it to the pro's) and meds that you no longer know your arse from your elbow and have no idea what is helping or exacerbating the problem.

There is the generic "acne" websites out there, but other than youtube videos I couldn't find a blog/source of information that was
a) remotely captivating
b) first hand knowledge/experience
c) offered a tried and tested skincare opinion (like I said I will talk about things that worked for me, use your common sense and adapt this for yourself).

Bearing this in mind, I have decided to be that person to offer such information (at least try my very best to).

If you want to know more, re-visit regularly and I will update what I think is important and interesting without boring you all to tears with minute details of what my skin looks like each and every day.

Thanks Rx